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  • Tuesday, March 15, 2005

    More on depression

    Depression can be treated. Good overviews on depression may be found at the National Institute of Mental Health and Infra Psych websites. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), a scientifically proven treatment, was briefly described in an earlier post. CBT involves homework, often with a workbook, and is best done with an experienced therapist. But, it has been used in milder forms of depression as a form of self help. Workbooks by Dr. Aaron Beck, Dr. David Burns and others are available. The Mindstreet website has a computer based CBT program with a very good demo. The Infra Psych website has a detailed description of CBT. A general site with links to information on CBT, depression, mental health, and other health issues can be found at the Web4Health site. It has a number of interactive tools and questionnaires.

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