
Anxiety can be divided into five categories: 1) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD); 2) Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD); 3) Panic disorder; 4) Post-traumatic stress disorder and 5) Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder.
- GAD goes beyond ordinary anxiety and worry. The concerns can be about minor everyday things or a feeling of anxiety without any obvious reason at all.
- OCD is a disorder in which a person’s life are taken over by obsessive thoughts and a compulsion to carry out certain actions. A typical example is that of Lady MacBeth washing her hands over and over again. More recently, the life of Howard Hughes as depicted in the movie Aviator shows the terrible toll of the disorder. For an interesting article, which begins perhaps harshly regarding the achievements of one of the most accomplished men of his era, see this link on Howard Hughes and OCD.
- Panic disorder strikes suddenly with a feeling of great fear or terror. The heart pounds. Those affected may feel dizzy, faint, weak and sweaty. After such an attack they may experience heightened anxiety, including the fear that the attack will happen again.
- Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs after event where serious harm was threatened or actually occurred.
- Social phobia is excessive anxiety and self-consciousness in everyday social situations.
The anxiety disorders may be associated with depression and other mental health problems. It is good to rule out physical health problems first. Then various forms of psychotherapy, mainly behavioral and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be used. Medications such as the antidepressants and others may be used according which type of anxiety disorder is present. For more information on anxiety see these sites National Institute of Mental Health and Infra Psych.
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